NO PLAN B, by @lemacadesyeux

Zac Mehdid

By Zac Mehdid – From the 2015/16 Intake




“A few weeks ago, I got offered a job as a junior art director for a big agency in Japan, to work on briefs for big clients. The main reason why I looked for a job was to have a “plan B”, so I could work until next year in case I did not get the SCA scholarship.

Having a plan B means that in my mind, I already considered other options, or in other words, I assumed that there are chances I fail. Of course there are chances I fail. But by already assuming that I could fail, I was probably sort of leaning on it, and therefore I was not doing my best. I was not going beyond my limits, because, well, I had something else.

The thing is, I do not want anything else. I want SCA. I want the scholarship.


Fuck plan B.

Right now, the only thing I have to think about is this scholarship. And the next one. I will not waste my time thinking about “what if I fail”, but instead use this time to make sure I do not fail.

That is why I decided to turn down the offer. Now, there is no plan B anymore.”

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