Turbulent Scampage, by @madsalexanderdk

Mads Neilson







By Mads Nielsen



Last Sunday I was on my way back from Denmark. Seated in 26B, between a fish-eyed Dutch guy and a juvenile Russian girl wearing her older sister’s shoes and her mum’s eau de toilette.

The weather was bad. The flight was worse. The coffee was indescribable.


As the seatbelt sign went off I grabbed my Moleskin to do some scamping. I typically find my best eureka moments appear seven miles above the ground. Probably because I’m terrified of flying and don’t want to kick the bucket before having had a great idea.


After roughly five scamps I got the sense that the Dutchman was inspecting my Moleskin with interest.


I scamped harder. Who knows who he might be.


A few minutes later I realised little miss sunshine on my left had joined in on the fun. My Moleskin had been challenged by a lavender ‘My Little Pony’ notebook accompanied by a pen with a unicorn rubber tip.


Bring it on.


I hunched over my notebook, only to notice her unicorn pen had already perfomed more drawings than my Staedler. The humiliation.


She had produced about thirty scamps in two minutes.


I could do better.


But before I could say vodka she had moved on to storyboarding TVCs. Damnit. She was on a rampage.


I began to scamp websites, apps and ambients just to show her I was a 360°, integrated, cross-media creative.


I squinted at her immature notebook again. She had flipped over a new page  and was scribbling away under the title ‘Song lyrics’.


This was a battle I couldn’t win.


I was beaten, smashed, outscamped. By a nine year old. I could tell by her lurid eyes, that she’d done it on purpose. She truely was thinking like a child. I couldn’t keep up. Maybe I’ve lost my own inner child or chimp or guts. Maybe it was the air pressure, the bad coffee or the dodgy Dutchman.


Whatever it was, I couldn’t keep up.  She on the other hand had no issues splurting out ideas from all thinkable angles. All I can say for sure is, if she keeps thinking like a child, you’ll find her in Cannes.

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