42 Days Behind Me. By @Arthur_Art_Dir

Arthur Harry

By Arthur Harry


42 Days Behind Me.



It’s crazy to some up all that I learned, discovered and did at SCA 2.0 by such a small number.


There has been the ‘institutional tools’; Time Management, Creative Techniques, Mess Finding, Brief structure… Although these turned out to be very useful to develop my creative process, they are only mechanisms and a chain of Keynote slides well presented.


I could have learned them elsewhere, maybe not in such an eccentric way, with internet and the sufficient reading. They are basic ways to improve my efficiency but not who I am creatively.


Don’t get me wrong it’s essential that ‘one knows the rules of the game to break them’ (an old dude).


But it’s not why I signed up.


I was seeking some real changements in my behaviour and habits, to better achieve my goal. Some real life experience, the ‘real shit’.


The truth is these six weeks, in the studio, have enabled me to develop the character I want to be.


The more spiritual aspect of the learning made me understand the one most important thing; ‘your biggest currency is your reputation’.


It’s all about crafting your own attitude with energy and empathy.


You need to GO OUT THERE! And truly interact with your surrounding by understanding it, shaking it and changing it.


You have to show that you exist and be loud about it! Embrace that Red hat and be visceral.


Overall no regrets, I just have to keep playing the game and accept that failure will be part of the learning process to get a bit better each time.


Oh and definitely worth the money for those who still wonder…

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