Breakup Poems – By @Aaron_Furman1

During these crazy times a lot of my compadres have gone through breakups. This is a amble time to be making the decisions of the heart. If you have been separated and don’t long for the company of your other half, I think we all know what must be done. 

Breakups are never easy for either side, you both shared a powerful connection l and your time together should be cherished. That relationship galavanted your superb character but, also highlighting the parts we’d rather hide. We move on and our soul grows wiser. 

For all you cats and kittens (#Carolkilledherhusband) out there, I’ve compiled all the poetry I wrote from my last breakup. This will hopefully highlight the journey I went through and maybe help with yours? Enjoy. The last poem is one of my personal favourites. 

Time to grow

I used to feel I was fading, 


was a prisoner with a vision 

but never delivered 

on what I called my decisions. 

But, maturity grows 

now I have that flow 

that I’m happy without you

just thought you should know. 

But between that time 

my face has been buzzing, 

my tongue was numin,

and my heart, 

well, it wasn’t strumming 

I guess I was young, 


and full of commiserations

for the person I was.  

Now congratulations 

to the person I became. 

But you don’t believe i’ve changed; 

how could you? 

You’re not me 

and I’m not you.

Now I’ve accepted, 

been bested, 

moved on 

to those greener pastures.

No last shot

I was so worried 

about your happiness. 

I had no time 

left for mine. 

That was our downfall, 

maybe my blunder, 

but now I’ve gone through 

my own personal tundra.

The snow melts away 

and brings forth the spring: 

the birds dancing, 

the lovers hunting. 

But now, 

I’m haunted with the fact 

I may never go to 

another gallery with you.

Or the welsh beaches, 

meeting other leaches, 

with speeches, 

with what used to be 

our features. 

A parasitic relationship, 

we stopped sharing, 

we stopped caring, 

never going out. 

Our love just lost 

the will to live. 

Would I kill 

to give it one more shot? 

I think not.


I was dumbfounded 

in the fact 

that I wasn’t founded,  

and now,

 I’m astounded 

at the fact 

I’m now founded.

With a new lease on life 

I now know 

I want to achieve and succeed, 

with all my passion I seed

for myself and no one else. 

Now, I’m finally free. 

Now I want to share and care 

with someone I find from thin air. 

Could that be you? 

I don’t know, 

at least try and see

I set free that shot 

for you and me.

Would be child

Sometimes, I spit my bile, 

I say it’s cathartic

but now

only occasionally 

does the taste in my mouth

turns vile.

Regardless of my style 

it was still all about you 

what could’ve been; 

thinking about our would be child.

With our eyes, 

my honest laugh, 

and your timeless smile, 

that would be 

our would be child.

But all of that 

was never meant 

for me or you.

It would be 

with our future selves 

with another one’s

would be child.

They will still have your eyes 

and your tireless smile. 

Mine will have 

my honest laugh 

and be regaled 

by my endless 

loving heart. 

And even if

we never talk again 

please remember 

I am forever changed 

by who you are 

and what you meant 

to me.

So, my 

would be child 

will still have 

your tireless smile 

and yours 

my honest laugh. 

And we will both 

regale them 

with love, 

with positivity 

and passion. 

That what was 

So I’ll sign off

and remember. 

will be 


what will be 

is what’s meant 

to be.

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