Christmas Passion Projects – By @beccimai27

Becci Ford

By Becci Ford


For christmas we have been set the task of starting or continuing on with a passion project. Here are a few surreal ideas for anybody struggling to come up with something! 

Hopefully it’ll spark something.

Merry Christmas! 

Therapy for ferrets
Cheese angels
Develop an alter ego and do stand up comedy as them
Paint with chocolate
Make new thank you cards
Become a twitcher
Learn more about dinosaurs 
Potato print your living room
Make a crazy milkshake
Go to see a film at the cinema by yourself
Go to a rotating restaurant
Make a complete fashion line out of recyclable materials
Write a diary from the perspective of a fish
Collect photos of beautiful dog turds
Make cheesepuff artwork
Do a marathon on a space hopper – whilst being dragged along by a skater
Learn to walk on your hands
lick sofas and review their flavour on a blog
collect strands of hair on public transport
draw things on bananas
Find the fastest office chair
Learn to tango

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