Judgement – By @EloiseAria


I really don’t like writing blog posts. Do I write in conversational English? Or do I write an essay, with references (Dunne, 2021). I feel it forces me to write something that should be interesting to everyone. It’s the silent judgement that comes from being open and honest with strangers online that simply irks me. I feel that a blog post is like an online dating profile. You’ve seen my photo, seen the title, you’re interested. (Thanks for clicking by the way). Now we should really have a conversation, but, you can’t respond. 

That’s why I don’t like blog posts, no room for a conversation. With that in mind, I’ll stick with this monologue that you are hopefully still reading.

The silent judgement earlier mentioned; what’s going through your mind right now? Are you intrigued to see where this goes? Or are you wanting me to hush up and stop? 

I should point out that I do mean judgement, not criticism. The two words are often mixed and confused which creates more problems than solutions.

I mention judgement because it’s an ever present issue in our modern world. The privacy of our thoughts and feelings coupled with the increasing social media presence creates this craving need to know what everyone else thinks about us. The fear of being judged causes a load of mental damage. So if you judge me for this blog post then that’s fine, I’m just pointing out that it’s the anonymity that makes me hate blog posts. I can’t see you and you can’t see me. I say my bit and you have nowhere to vent about my babbling (it’s just an unfair exchange don’t you think?).

It’s a totally different story when there’s judgement in person. The eyes, facial expression, body language and tone of voice of someone who judges you will tell you everything you need to know about them.

Judgement only points out your mistakes or excludes you with the purpose to make you feel bad for no real reason. There is only harm done in pointing out something that you don’t like in someone else or what they have done. So say something nice or say nothing at all.

Criticism points out mistakes to open the conversation where understanding and change can happen. Everyone has their own perception of what is right and wrong, criticism allows for a discussion where bonds are made and not broken, and where people learn. At SCA there’s a true acknowledgement that not everything is perfect, and even perfect can be perfected.

Unlike judgement, criticism doesn’t leave you in the dark. SCA won’t either.

P.S* Thanks for reading this SCAB, see you at the next one.

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