Mind The Gap

Alexandra Sims

By Alexandra Sims


Mind The Gap

It’s not enough to meet deadlines, you have to beat them.

Even if you think it’s done, don’t leave it too late to get the project off your hands. I was reminded of this myself only yesterday when I was tearing my hair out trying to submit my ‘this is me’ video.

“Oh, this is pretty much done. I’ll make some final touches on Monday and send it.”

One software crash, edit re-do, hospital visit, freight train breakdown later, I succumbed to admit my failure to prepare. My whole day became a race to send it before midnight. It should have been done long before that and I was convinced I was on track to so. The reality is setbacks occur, but if you go that little bit further and sit comfortably away from the deadline then it can’t turn round and nip you in the bum.

Self enforce deadlines if you have to. External ones may be more urgent and effective in getting you focused but self control can be improved. I’m hoping the journals we were given today can help me with this and get me in the habit of completing personal goals within a set time.

Talking of today, day 1, it was an intro into how we should conduct ourselves and what to expect or how to make the most of our time in the school. Firstly, it was emphasised that we are to remember that we are professionals (or out of work creatives) not students and to treat each day as we would an interview. We should be early not just on time, we must not forget how fortunate we are to have mentors share their time with us and will thank them for doing so and greet them when we can. Mindfulness is something I will hone this year, not just the mental state which we are learning very soon but a general awareness of time, attitude and the actions that will build my reputation. After all, people buy people and not simply talent, another pertinent reminder from today’s talks. Don’t be the one with all the excuses because long after you’ve forgotten that ‘blip’ someone else will still remember. Be the person who does good and goes the extra mile, no matter how minor some things may feel people will be taking note.

I will also ensure I try pre-emptive thinking while working on my organisation and time management. We do it in many aspects of life like conversation and problem solving, so it’s about time I make sure I use it for work. What better time is there than starting my SCA journey to begin expecting the unexpected?

Beforehand, you say?

Absolutely. I’ve just never been one for getting stuff done in advance. Until now.

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