Putting your foot down – By @MrBenGolding

Ben Golding

By Ben Golding


Putting your foot down

That title sounds aggressive doesn’t it? I don’t mean in a stamping and getting my own way, patriarchal type way. I mean putting your foot to the floor, accelerating in a direction you have chosen. I feel that’s maybe been missing a bit right now.

We’re always told that portfolio day will roll around and we can show all our perfected work to agencies and they will of course give us a placement or hire us on the spot. And then good old Stu from Creature came and gave a masterclass and shook me up a bit. No-one has got a placement lined up yet. He asked why not. Suddenly I couldn’t find decent reason why. Well I’ve got some fingers in a few different pies and there’s this thing and that reason, but ultimately I don’t have proper excuse. Where’s the fire gone Golding?

You make your own luck. Thats a sentiment I truly love. Take control of your own destiny and make things happen. I’ve been playing the game of SCA really well and jumping through hoops and doing little briefs but ultimately my eye has wandered slightly from the prize. Where’s the fire Golding? Where’s the killer instinct?

Maybe the fatigue is setting in? The end in is in sight and it’s easy to get complacent. I think I know what I need to do. Bury yourself in good work. Grab inspiration from things outside of yourself and make them part of your thinking. Get inspired. Get hungry. Get angry.

We are not going into the workplace just competing with each other, its not good enough to be among the best in the room. We need to be the best of the last few years. At every school. Around the world. Time to put the foot down.

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