Riddle Me This, How Hard is Hard?

Hello and thanks for opening up my very first SCAB!

At this point, we’re a couple of months out and the whole thing doesn’t yet feel real.

I know not to get too comfortable, though. I’ve been given the gift of time and so I’m not taking any chances.

I did my homework in deciding whether the school would truly be right for me. For a start, I couldn’t quite believe I’d got in (cheers Marc and co). I’ve always felt too left-brained for something like this. Also, SCA’s a proper investment. Some due diligence was in order.

I’m glad – as nerve-racking as it was – that I reached out to alumni. Stories were colourful and varied but what was unanimous is that SCA is ‘hard’. Now the catch is I won’t truly know how hard ‘hard’ is until September. But it’s decent intel. So as I meander through the abyss of ambiguity, I’m prepping military style. 

I’ve always been a wing-it type of person in life and in work (no guesses as to how well that strategy worked). As the wildly overused, and slightly reductive, saying goes, “fail to prepare, prepare to fail”.

So I’m getting the variables in order. Precisely how much (or how little) sleep do I really need? What’s the optimal Sainsbury’s order to make cheap, nutritious meals on the go? How much information can my brain tolerate in one go?

I’ve already burnt myself out trying to get through the entire reading list in less than a month while juggling my various jobs. So that’s some data for the bank, at least.

The idea is if I can function (healthily) like clockwork then all the ‘hard’ in the world should be fine. And less anxiety-inducing, maybe. Life-hacks aside, what I really want to say is, I’m excited to be here. And for the rebirth many talk about. 
One of many dreams is to work on a tagline, tube ad, and/or shampoo bottle copy – fingers crossed…

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