The month that made me see – By @Jonothankh

By Jonothan Hunt


The month that made me see


It’s been a month of questioning, risks and wins,

And as we move into the final weeks, for me the new begins.


I watched as a brilliant team-mate lit up with a great writer,

At first I was sad, maybe jealous too — but their happiness made things lighter,


Now they’re smashing it together, having fun, nearly always laughing too,

I’m excited about where they’ll go and the work they’ll do.


This month, I’ve not been perfect, I barely ever am,

I try my best, don’t often stop — but I still don’t understand:

Why people don’t say what’s going on, why they’re sad, maybe concerned,

And why openness and honesty don’t always get the same returned.


While I’m still unsure about my abilities and what the future brings,

I’ve turned to my passions and some other crazy things.


I’ve been writing briefs and learning craft, so I can smash this as a single,

And the part of my brain that deals with tech is also starting to tingle:


I’ve found a way to make my digital book interactive and 3D,

So at portfolio day people will interact through hand tracking on PC.


I’m finding ways that dance and movement can make live music play,

And I’ve spent SCA currency on a Pi, so I can code away.


I’m going to make this book great and it’ll be totally me,

I just hope it’s the kind of thing that agencies want to see.

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