Women Laughing Alone With Salad By @xladxrolov

Vlad Frolov

By Vlad Frolov


Women Laughing Alone With Salad

Advertising is great.

I just thought I’d share that thought because I didn’t really used to think that.

Advertising can be made greater than itself and it goes far beyond a six-sheet poster or a thirty-second telly ad. Shit advertising is what gives advertising a bad name. Badvertising. Another buzzword there for you. But better yet: as long as you’re on the right wavelength, making ads can be a sort of religious experience.

I’ve been converted. That’s it, it’s final. I believe.

I believe in the power of the unexpected to move people and change behaviour.

I believe in the power of simplicity and digging until you find the core.

I believe in the power of brands that strive to better their public image and contribute to society.

I believe in the power of buzzwords that no one knows the meaning of, yet everyone understands.

I believe in the power of research and googling completely unrelated things; finding a diamond in the rough.

Just this Friday, towards reflection time, my google searches led me to find a Tumblr blog called Women Laughing Alone With Salad.

That’s when it clicked. It was majestic. I have the best job in the world. I connect the dots between things that are completely unrelated.

Advertising can make the unexpected.

Advertising can make things simple.

Advertising can make brands good.

Advertising is great. And easy. Just think of women, laughing alone. With salad.

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