Be yourself, be ordinary – By @Antonio_line_

By Antonio Castellano


Be yourself, be ordinary

This is my last SCAB before the school starts. I’m still confused about what to do with this space, what to turn this room into. I have always the struggle to write something smart, interesting. A part of me, on the other hand, would like to write down just my feelings and my thoughts like a teenager diary, but I need to sell myself a little bit better than just a sensitive guy, to my soon classmates for the creative team composition, as long as someone is reading this (is her/him?). Anyway, I’m sure we will have too much work to do during the year and I will opt for the stream of consciousness and feelings to invest my energy in the projects rather than in high-quality documentary SCABs. I think ironically I won’t’ have any feedbacks on my SCABs so I guess I will have this sort of conflict with them all year long until I will write my last one and everything will suddenly appear crystal clear. I still don’t know why Marc asked to write SCABs, he probably wrote a reason (maybe… no the real one… DATAN! Jk) on the email, I don’t remember now, BUT I like this feeling of mystery around it. He will definitely have known so much about us by the time we will have the first class. Actually, he knows me since last year. 

I found out about SCA going to D&Ad “New Blood Festival” July 2017. I asked just-graduated students: “If you were able to come back in time, not thinking about money, what advertising school would you attend?” and 6 out of 10 told me “SCA, mate! Every year they win everything! They are very good but also too much expensive” “S, C… can you spell it? Did I write it well?”.

10 minute later, after checking it on Google Maps, I was running to SCA during my last day in London. It was late evening but I did it and I met Marc. He also introduced me to Beth and Kyle a great creative team who won, during the same day, a Pencil.

I was planning to go to SCA last year, but then things happened and I postpone for the next year, this year.

You may think: why such mundane clickbait title of this SCAB if you are not talking about that? Don’t worry my uncertain existing reader! Give me some time, I also wrote more than 500 words, how is it possible? Anyway, yesterday I thought of Marc reading all of these SCABs from his students, every week for the whole years, for years. What it has come to my mind is that he probably read some similar SCABs, with the same arguments, the same fears, style, way to face things and so on. Yes, you may say “everyone is unique” but I’m not sure about that anymore. We are 7 billiards, a lot. I feel like no matter how much effort we put on it, to be special and ourself, we still are predictable, like already written. Stereotypes of small subcategories with the same scripts, more or less. I think it’s inevitable. Probably there was already a guy years ago who wrote a SCAB about all people not being able to be special. The topics covered, the thought had. We belong to already saw stuffs. Also about looking appearance: you can find someone who really looks like you. How much time a friend came to you saying “Man! The other day I saw a guy SO much like you! OMG!” (not sure about the last exclamation). Also, the way we dress to diversify ourself, it goes thought already made paths. We just are ordinary in our way we think we aren’t.

These thoughts exist in my mind but they don’t freeze me, scared or something like that. It’s just analyzing for me. I mean, why all this obsession of being unique? The center of the word and the destiny? Snowflakes syndrome?

Concluding I want to say “see you next year” to my lovely mountain bike, that stayed with me all the summer. We spend hours every day around Rome, sometimes at 5 a.m., sometimes at 10 p.m., sometime close to my house, sometimes more than 10 km away, in the opposite side of the city. Away reflecting on my future, setting ideas up. Thinking of email about SCABs, describing my way to prepare for the school, I can totally say that Cantiera, my mountain bike, has been my way.

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