Brain Sells, by @NicholasKugge
By Nicholas Kugge
Brain Sells
SCA gives us the opportunity to experiment with almost anything. It is a lab where we are the subject of our own experiences and where the only limit to our imagination is ourselves.
A critical part of this year is to build and refine our creative process. Something we often took as fortuitous on our first days of school has evolved into a series of methods and patterns framing our mind to reach gold.
Some of our mentors have shared throughout the year their personal approach to come up with great ideas. Despite the activity, the place or the time at which they are the most creative, it comes down to finding the right state of mind.
I realised that because we now consciously use our brain to be creative we have a very different relationship with it. Our mind has become our best friend but also our worst nemesis. As we tap into the creative potential of our unconscious mind or as we face thoughts of doubt and fear we understand there is still a long way to go before mastering our capricious brain cells.
As we come to the end of this year of experimentation, it seems evident that our future success lies in our aptitude to keep experimenting with our own mind to unlock our full potential.