Captains log. – By @shepherd_sc
Captains log.
How far have I came? How far do I still have to go? How much do I still have to learn? There’s no cuisines in this chapter. There is vulnerability…it doesn’t mean weakness. Ever since the portfolio briefs started, there has been a pain, an anxiety, a ‘I cant do this, because I didn’t believe in my own self. I remember sitting and talking with Marc (The All Father) and he said shepherd how much of this defeating mentality is imposter syndrome? I…didn’t know how to answer…I didn’t know how to answer, but I answered. ‘I don’t know’ I said in my head. The reason is because I don’t know in myself if I am good at something or if I am not. I have always never have faith in my self. Captains log over.
This will be my shortest message maybe it wont. What I want to say it is hard to find people that will except me for me OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGG this school is the best place to be. They teach you they also give you a shoulder and they understand every single time. Ok I think I’ve stopped venting but if I do when talking on things just except it coz that’s how a dope ass gangster does it. Eloise is a real one. Marc is the big boss but the mini bosses are also fantastic. There’s Amy (gangster) Max (gangster to) Marcia (gangster as well). This school pushes you and it only wants nothing but greatness from you. If you aren’t being your best self, then who are you being? I know I haven’t talked about cuisines in a while it doesn’t mean I am not fed. This is me signing off coz last week when it was my birthday the school chilled with me…they made me happy. Till the next time. Peace.