How do we know our courses are working? Because so many of our alumni are.
And they’re not just sitting in the creative departments of some of the most prestigious ad agencies in the world – they’re frequently to be found standing on podiums picking up armfuls of the industry’s top awards. And that’s something that makes us very proud. Because our approach to learning has never been about making sure our students receive a nice certificate at the end. Instead, we focus on teaching them the skills they need to ensure that they are immediately employable. The only bits of paper we’re interested in are the ones in portfolios that demonstrate ground-breaking creative thinking.
Our long course, whether online or on campus, is a full time ‘apprenticeship’ where students work every day in the studio, 9 to (at least) 5, on both live and portfolio briefs, taught by experienced faculty members and a network of over 1,000 industry mentors. It’s hard work - but on all our courses we make sure students interact, learn to work in teams and get as much enjoyment as possible from the time we spend together. Because we’re supported by over 100 of the top agencies, students benefit from one to-one teaching from some of the biggest names in the ad business – as well as enjoying master classes from creative luminaries including poets, comedians, scriptwriters, artists, film-makers, musicians and photographers. Our short courses are taught by the same faculty and industry mentors, and are the perfect way to sharpen your creative skills (which is ideal, if you ever fancy your chances of winning a D&AD pencil).