Good Bed; Good Soul, by @G_Horrocks  

georgia horrocks






By Georgia Horrocks


With D&AD, Chip Shops, independent briefs and more PBs around the corner, people seem to be sleeping less and worrying more.

Now, I don’t have much to found this on, but I’ve become quite certain that a good bed is the key to a good soul.

If you think about it, all the best bits of life are delightfully emBEDded! Where would Christmas morning be without families crammed into bed, fighting over Stocking presents and spilt coffee? And how else could parents bear to read their children the same night-time stories again and again unless they were snuggled up into a duvet. Even from a copywriter’s point of view, where would the English language be without the phrases ‘top-to-tale’, ‘bed head’ and ‘pillow talk’?

So in the interests of testing my new theory, I decided to pimp out my bed. After toying seriously with the idea of a water mattress, I settled for some Egyptian Cotton sheets, pillow spray and a throw that doubles as a roof for my Saturday night Den.

I’m not sure if it’s the new bed or just sheer exhaustion, but I’m sleeping again.

And my soul needed resting.

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