Pot Holes – By @bellwoodart
By Elle Bellwood
Pot Holes
Life is unpredictable. Things happen. Sometimes you get great news, achieve amazing things and feel surrounded by love. You are travelling on a clear road. On the other hand, sometimes things don’t always go to plan, and you come across a bump in the road – this is where things can go wrong.
But what do you do when you reach a bump in the road? Most of the time these are just small potholes, you quickly rattle over the hole, hardly feeling a thing and we forget about it within a matter of moments. Medium-sized potholes can sometimes lead to some small damages to our cars, but these are easily repaired and forgotten about. But sometimes, when you go through a big pothole, you get stuck, your car wheel is very much embedded in a pothole, and you need to call the AA for some help.
Throughout my life, the most important thing I’ve taken from this small story is ‘you need to call the AA.’
As strong as we think we are, most of us will attempt but fail to push an average-sized car out of a pothole. It’s more complicated than some pure ‘muscle power’. You need support, time and a helping hand. You need to pick up the phone, talk to a real human being, ask for help and wait. The AA man will come, help you assess the situation, choosing the best cause of action and start working away.
Funnily enough, they will probably get the job done pretty quickly, much quicker than it would have been if you had struggled to push and pull the car out of the pothole yourself.
But this is life. When something goes wrong, like really wrong, a lot of us try and fail to make things better all by ourselves. When really you need to pick up the phone, call family or a close friend, explain the situation and ask for help. You then wait and allow yourself time to process the problem. You then need to see the people you love and put a plan in place. How are you going to make things better? How are you going to move forward? How can you be proactive? Finally, you put that plan in place and begin to see the situation improve. However, this situation will improve a lot quicker than if you had stayed silent and struggled in silence. You won’t feel so lost and overwhelmed.
Hopefully, you will then feel in control and prepared for the rest of your journey. Even though you can’t predict if there will be any more potholes across the way, at least you will be a bit more aware of how to deal with the situation better next time. This is reflected in life, we learn, we adapt, and we improve, but we can’t always predict the future, we can just prepare.