Put your hats on – By @DavidKorhonen4
By David Korhonen
Put your hats on
As I was looking for a topic to talk about this week, I had to six hats my uninteresting ideas.
Till I decided to six hats my thoughts and feelings of this week instead. And as always let’s start with the blue hat.
Blue hat: My Trello has not been updated for a month now. I struggle so much keeping those time management tools up to date. But prioritising hasn’t been so wrong this week so progress are made. Next week is gonna be a challenge with new briefs coming tho.
Green hat: What if SCA’s dogs were cats?
With Dusty’s one, it’s been three doggos who joined us for class so far and not a single cat. And while I walked around London, same finding. People have dogs but no cats. Those little demons run everywhere; they are very excited and fight for attention.
While we could have animals that brings calm and serenity to the place.
Imagine having a warm little kitty sleeping on you while you listen at the masterclass. And then the purr to make you feel good when you work on your briefs. It’s also so much more rewarding to have cats attention. You have to be patient, strategic and goes on with a few scratches better finally making it. Just like SCA.
We are here to grab attention after all. (cats > dogs by the way)
White hat: I ate 5 Trek bars this week, and it tastes good. I wasn’t late on my work. Mentors talks were very interesting.
Well, I could probably have described my week as I usually do with this boring writing. It’s easier for me to write stories that don’t involve feelings and thoughts. However, it’s great to get out of the comfort zone sometimes even though we are still not that far from it, and I probably need to learn/practise writing. So I’m looking forward to storytelling masterclasses to have more tools to write interesting stories.
Black hat: Waking up in the morning is hard. Finding problems is hard. Writing “Get To By”s is hard. Drawing is hard. The skateboard disappeared. SCA is hard.
And after reading Matt’s SCAB, I am on the mood to write a book “I’m a failure too.” with a hundred illustrated stories.
Red hat: AAAAAAAAAAAH, that’s what my guts is telling me. Can’t say if it’s good or bad tho. Also, I wanted to talk about this wonderful banana’s video:
I can’t imagine what the initial brief was. But having dancing bananas on techno music with a gigantic QRCode on them surely was the best answer.
Yellow hat: It’s tough to be on the mood to be positive. It’s early November, and it’s starting to be cold and grey outside. We don’t have the hype of a new place and new people anymore. But there is new exciting briefs and mentors, and first portfolio day videos are coming. Winter also. Yeay.
Blue hat: Here it is again. Thank you for reading, see you in two weeks. And put your hats on!