Smile and Nod – By @gnomeegnome

Naomi Taylor

By Naomi Taylor


Smile and Nod

Getting into the SCA was one thing but getting there was the biggest challenge that I had to face. Yeah, getting funding to be able to come was bloody difficult but I enjoyed that part. The brutal comments and so called ‘advice’ that I received… well, that was hard.

There was a time when I would let others knock me and make me feel like I couldn’t achieve anything, but now I have learnt to give them the middle finger. You hit that point in life where you stop, think and say ‘what the fuck am I doing?’

You know that saying ‘Be who you want to be, not who others chose to see’, well I’m trying to live by that. If not I will end up stuck in a vicious cycle of doing things I hate, whilst being ruled by those who couldn’t give a shit if I succeed.

So when people try and knock down your hopes and dreams… Smile and nod, then do whatever the fuck you want anyway.

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