TERM 2.DAY 1. By @eandertonallen

Beth Anderton-Allen

By Beth Anderton-Allen




It’s the first day back, term two has officially begun and it’s all about Slack. Organisation, Organisation, Organisation. Engines recharged a new partner and a new portfolio brief. It’s now time to get into full creative Jedi mode..may the force be with us.

But the christmas break has been a bit weird, I felt like it had dragged on a little too long. But now that I am back I feel like I haven’t been away at all. I’ve really missed being busy. Although saying that I will miss the extra sleep.

Over the break I decided to read up on creativity to prepare myself for term two, here are some insights that I have learnt :

Creativity is not a hobby

A lot of people separate their everyday lives from their creative lives. People have their work life, their home life and the life where they create. But this isn’t true. You are creating everyday, even if you don’t realise it. You are creative in all situations; money, fashion, health and so on. Even the feeling of being stuck is something that has been created. Every moment we are creating.

You can’t escape creativity, creativity is good for you. You can always rely on it as it’s always there. It will get you out of situations that you thought you would never be able to escape from.

This ties in with what Adam & Paul talked to us about in their master class. Look at things other than just the brief and see your own problems. Working off your own back keeps you sane and motivated. The little things you do can lead to great things.

Creativity is nourished by conflict and fear.

Creativity thrives off conflict and fear. If everything was always great in the world, why would anyone ever bother inventing anything new. As creatives we need to push ourselves to the edge of our comfort zones and instead of hiding from our fears we should recognise them and channel it into creating solutions.

The power of reinvention

Reinvention shocks people, provokes people and get’s noticed. Bowie did it, Madonna did it and Apple have done it. One thing for sure is that people definitely noticed them.
The world is rapidly changing and within it we each tread our own paths, but you can easily get lost and lose your voice. By turning off auto pilot and opening your eyes to the world, you can take so much more. Milk it, use it. You have to act rapidly and be willing to change, as the new eventually morphs into the norm.

We need to scare ourselves everyday. Let’s reinvent ourselves or at least upgraded our expansion pack to insane creative mode, and show no fear to taking risks and breaking the rules.

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