The SCA way of feedback

When I saw I had a scab post to write this week, I didn’t know what I wanted to write about, so to start the process and to help me generate some ideas. I decided to do a bit of research to see what’s currently happening in the sector, and I came across a really interesting article in Marketing Week, titled: ‘Clarity, simplicity, insight: The key elements of a successful marketing brief’.

As a current SCA student who is trying to gain a better understanding of writing briefs I thought that this would be a good read. To support the creative work I have been doing by myself or in a team, using the templates provided by the strategy mentor Uri While reading through the article one part really caught my attention, which was the head of marketing for rapid grocery delivery service brand Getir, Nic Casby, highlighting that after a pitch they don’t seem to get enough feedback.

That brings me on to the topic of this scab, feedback or more specifically the SCA way of giving feedback. Feedback is such an important element within SCA and we are always encouraged to go and seek feedback to help make our work better and improve the standards. I mean we have industry mentors at the school that have been working on their craft for many years, so it is useful to take the feedback given by the mentors as they know
what they are saying.

On the other hand, the delivery of feedback at SCA can sometimes make you feel that you need to put on a suit of armour. ( it’s brutal out here, no joke) Nevertheless it’s all done to help make your work better and it’s honest feedback which is so important to get. This is not always given all the time. Maybe due to not wanting to hurt other people’s feelings, but that’s okay as feelings when it comes to ideas are not speared at SCA. You soon quickly realise not to get too attached to your ideas. One minute they can be ideas then the next minute you’re back at the drawing board.

However, sometimes feedback can make you panic and feel like you don’t know what to do. That’s when it’s important to remind yourself to take a breather and take some time to think so you don’t get too caught up. That makes feedback feel like some sort of double edge sword. Helpful due to providing clarity on different ideas and how the idea has been perceived from another person’s viewpoint, as feedback helps gain perspective. However, not so helpful when you don’t know what to do and feel like you have taken many steps backwards. However, this is all part of the process that feedback can bring.

So, I guess the point is, that although feedback can be brutal at SCA and can occasionally feel like a double edge sword. It can be extremely beneficial to help improve the process of work and ideas.

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