Time Pressures, by @zochi9

Zoe Jezeph (2)






By Zoe Jezeph


I’m not really sure what I want to write about for this scab.  There’s so much to focus on and my head feels a little broken right now. So I hope you don’t mind if I freestyle.


Being overwhelmed is now a mutual feeling. I don’t think it leaves; well it hasn’t done for a while. The pressure is intense and I’m finding it difficult to let go and relax. Most great ideas happen when the problem at hand is buried in the back of our minds, whilst we are playing and relaxing. But how is it possible to relax when there’s so much to get through? You can’t put a time limit on creativity and that’s probably why some sick person decided to invent deadlines. Ok, I understand pressure isn’t such as bad thing, but too much pressure backfires and can be crippling.


How do you manage all of the projects at the same time? I’ve come to the conclusion that you don’t. Trying to do everything usually leaves you with nothing. Trying to focus on one task at a time is your best bet, which is where time management comes in.


If you’re going to get to get anywhere at all, time out is also vital. But it’s something I’m not comfortable with anymore. Time out feels like a waste of time when I could be doing something productive.


Most days I don’t know how the hell it’s going to work out. Being too stubborn to give up comes in handy. What else can you do but to keep pushing forward?

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