Walls of Art

‘Make a difference’ was our brief at SCA last week. We were asked to create a petition on and build a campaign for it. It was a bit of an unusual one but a welcomed change (pun intended) from the capitalistic world. I took the opportunity to help street art in the UK with the ‘One Wall for Art’ petition.

After exploring a few campaign roots we decided to get our message across through the Bored Walls Association. The campaign focused on posting pictures of blank and boring walls with no art on them. As expected, the posts sparked interest on social media among street artists, but as a passionate street art hunter it was hard not to show or share any street art. So I would like to share a series of walls with street art on them (who aren’t members of the Bored Wall Association ;p).

Boulogne-sur-Mer, France

Funchal, Portugal
Leicester, United Kingdom
Leicester, United Kingdom
Blackpool, United Kingdom
Atlanta, United States of America
Manchester, United Kingdom
Manchester, United Kingdom

Stavanger, Norway
Withington, United Kingdom


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