An Undeserved Rest, by @_TManning

Tom Manning


By Tom Manning

For my fellow Moshers in the final throws of D&AD, a day in bed will be the reward of choice once their projects are submitted.

A well deserved rest.

Unlike them, I’m having an underserved rest. The result of what medical professionals have called, “a stupid injury”.

For the last five days my alarm has gone off at 7am, despite having nowhere to go. I hear my housemates rushing around and leaving for SCA.

I reconfigure my pillows from sleeping position to sitting position – indicating that my working day has begun.

I hobble to kitchen to make a coffee.

Climbing the stairs feels like an Everest attempt, so while the kettle’s boiling I open the back door and do a wee in the garden.

As I draw a ’T’ in the soil, in wee, I hear Marc in my head, “Are you behaving like an out of work creative?”

Back in bed. It’s 9.30, time for town hall. No pep talk for me so I watch a TED talk instead – about the dangers of pornography.

The moral of the story is that you shouldn’t watch porn. Masterbating is still alright, but use your imagination.

I. Must. Start. Working.

I check out some new campaigns on Adweek to get my juices flowing, but end up floating aimlessly around the internet.

I can’t work in this bed. I pop some painkillers, zone out watching Netflix and scroll endlessly through Twitter. I just want the day to be over as quickly as possible.

What would Trott say? Trott wouldn’t stand for this amount of self-pity.

“You can have what you want, or you can have your reasons for not having it.”

What I want is my health, to be back at SCA and to be surrounded by the people who inspire me most. The satellite SCA campus – my bedroom is a poor imitation.

So best of luck to everyone at M.O.S.H who are working hard and chasing what they want.

I’m chasing you.

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