Can I write a whole SCAB before my bus journey ends? – @charlesfare

By Charles Olafare




Can I write a whole SCAB before my bus journey ends?


Full disclosure, I forgot I had a SCAB due today. Twice. Once because I forgot to check the rota. And a second time after Amy was kind enough to remind me. Sorry Amy!

I’m now on the bus through Coldharbour Lane down to Peckham to meet my girlfriend. Really hoping I can hash something out on my phone before I reach my destination.

Let’s go.

I’ve been feeling pretty anxious this week. Not in the stomach cramps, waking up in a cold sweat and wishing I hadn’t woken up at all way. More in the nervous energy way.

SCA has taught me so much in the time I’ve been here, I’m absolutely champing at the bit to get in to an agency and start putting these newfound skills to use.

We’re getting there though, I can smell the lilting scent of free instant coffee and live briefs on the air. I’m going to sleep dreaming of office banter and waking up with pre-prepared anecdotes about what I got up to at the weekend.

You know the kind I mean.

“Not much really, you?” And other stuff like that. Imagine the possibilities!

In anticipation of all this and more, we’ve been sharpening up our books. Sending out emails like our lives depended on it. Combing through other student’s books with a level of detail that’d put Rainman to shame.

Still, even with all this work going on, I just can’t shake that feeling. This hunger for a desk to lay my mug on and maybe even one of those laptop stands with a wireless mouse and keyboard to boot.

Will all this be mine? God I fucking hope so. Like pretty much everyone on the course, I gave up a lot to be here. We have all sacrificed time with friends, family and loved ones to stare into the middle distance in search of the best way to sell sliced bread.

I’m desperate as all get out to make good on that exchange.

There’s about four stops left on my journey now. My bus journey, that is. But I wonder exactly how many more stops are left on my SCA journey?

If I could unfurl time and lay it out from end to end like a nap on the table, how many miles would I have covered so far, and how long would I have to go?

Who knows. Anyway, I’ve got to get off now. See ya.

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