Clock down – By @DavidKorhonen4

By David Korhonen


Clock down


Day 04 of isolation before the end of the world:

I decided to surprise everyone by writing my first SCAB of isolation on isolation. Like nobody before.


For now, everything is alright. It actually feels better. I think it as something to do with rest. Having this extra hour and a half of sleep already start to make a difference. We still see each other on Zoom and Remo, and I don’t miss being physically present with people at the moment. I don’t see much changes on masterclass and townhall either.


But I assume that living with people helps a lot. There is still a difference between being alone in my bedroom and “going to work” in the living room. I have people to chat with, and who are around me through the day. I hope it will take time before I feel bad about it. However, I don’t have a clear cut between work and home anymore. It’s hard to know when I’m working and when I’m not. And procrastination is worse than before. There isn’t more, but I instantly spot it and feel bad about it, because it is so easy to fall into it. 


Days also start to be the same. Or aren’t they? I have this weird feeling of having the same day again and again, while I probably never had such different days for months. Being in the same place and almost the same position every day probably plays on it even though it was kind of the same at school. That’s strange how a simple shift during the day change your all perception of it. But habits will fix it.


Finding ways to have breaks also seems to be very important. They feel both very natural because home is supposed to be for relaxation and a bit uncommon because of the new rhythm. For now, I spend time with the skateboard and the ball we bought for the occasion. I will be a professional football freestyler soon enough.


Otherwise, I haven’t seen eggs or toilet paper in days. They apparently isolate themselves too. It’s kinda insane to see people priority and reaction to such news. Even though supermarkets provisions won’t be affected by the virus, everyone feels the need to take everything for themself. The monkey is out. He panics and doesn’t think anymore. I understand that people want to try to avoid contact, but walking on top of each other in supermarkets to dodge them later doesn’t look like a plan. 


I just realise it’s actually day 03 of isolation, but it will soon be the same. And you’ll read it after day 04 anyway if you still know what day it is.


Also, I think Pierre turned crazy. Or was he already? 


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