Did Mona lose the plot? By @monaonthemoon
By Mona Sharif
Did Mona lose the plot?
Once upon a time, there was a little penguin called Ted,
Sitting in the kitchen at breakfast he was eating gingerbread.
He left house to go shopping,
Indeed for a yoghurt he was craving.
As he was looking for something convenient,
He saw a feisty penguin looking at pouches.
Her name was Liz, and Ted thought she should be his next squeeze.
As Ted didn’t like innuendos, he simply asked her out to go to the restaurent.
After dining, Liz invited Ted for a last drink in her igloo.
They went to bed after Ted went to the loo.
Later that night, while they were spooning,
Ted noticed that Liz’s igloo had no ceiling.
He ran to the computer and placed an order,
He knew girls loves their man to be like Bob the Builder.
He opened Liz’s drawer and found a hammer,
Ted was ready to impress her.
Now you’re thinking ‘Okay, Mona completely lost the plot’. Not yet my friends.
This little story was created with words and expressions I learnt during this past few weeks, especially with Alex who’s been my partner during PB2, WaterAid brief, and two Metro briefs.
I learnt a lot of other words like knob, spunk, or hanky panky that are really useful but maybe not in the story above…
Thank you Alex for supporting my ‘What do you mean?’, ‘I’m not sure I understand’, ‘How do you say/spell/use this?’.
Last but not least, I learnt that we when you eat chocolate fingers you should never ask ‘Do you want a finger?’ and when you see a box of chocolate fingers on the table you should never ask ‘Can I have one or two fingers please?’ Just… don’t.