Don’t Take A Day Off by @DouniaSB
By Dounia Sitayeb
Don’t take a day off.
This weekend, I went back home, for the first time since I started at the SCA. Also the first time I took a weekend off. But it wasn’t very restful, I came back even more stressed and exhausted.
I had to juggle between my friend’s wedding, another friend’s 30th and Father’s day while still thinking about work.
I spent the weekend in a car going back and forth.
I thought going back to Paris would be a good break and will give me some energy for the last 2 weeks of this marathon, but I feel that the little energy left in my body was consumed during this weekend.
The worst thing to do is to take a day off while still trying to think about work. I didn’t enjoy the time off and didn’t get much work done.
I know, sometimes it’s good to take a break and spend some time with our family and friends. But in my case, it wasn’t the right time.
So, now I will try to go back to my plan and enjoy these last 2 weeks with my partner by working on stuff we like and can have fun with.
We all know that we’ll have to work on things we don’t like so why not enjoy this freedom while there is still time.