Expectations or goals? By @christinems_

Christine Smith

By Christine Smith


Expectations or goals?

Okay so i want to try something: write down all the expectations I have now and then look back at the end of the year and see how many of these things I have learned/reached/found important/unnecessary/not worked for me/loved/hated… You get the point!

1. Will I learn to know when a good idea is really THE idea when I get it?

2. Will I be excellent at speaking english?

3. Will I still hold on to my opinion about going to a placement/agency that besides being one of the best in the world ALSO treats people fair?

4. Will I get to know what my “thing/style” is – you know that specific thing that makes you special and stand out?

5. Will I prefer museums in stead of shopping?

6. Will I still have a boyfriend?

7. Will I ROCK presentations?

8. Will I enjoy reading books?

9. Will I win a gold lion?

10. Will I have gained too much weight?

I think personal goals are really important to push yourself. Or.. I know it is for me.. I know my biggest weakness is that I can be SO lazy. If I can jump over where the fence is most easy I will….and hey – if you think about it logically – why would you jump over where it is the highest? Actually thats just a waste of energy and you might hurt yourself.

I have to make my weakness my strongest thing. So maybe I just need to jump the easiest part many many times and slowly make it higher and higher to be able to push myself?

Maybe nr 11 should be – will i be less lazy?

Or – have I learned to push myself further?



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