Eyes on the prize. By @NickJLindo

Nick Lindo Photo

By Nick Lindo

Eyes on the prize.


I’m terrified of losing track of my aims.


I’m scared that I’ll find a job that I’m content with and just go with it because it’s the easiest option.


Of course I don’t plan to do this – but you can see how it would happen. Stability and that.


If that did happen, I think it would make the entire year I’ve spent at SCA pointless.


I, like most at SCA now, chose advertising because I didn’t want to leave my creative interests to the realms of hobby and fall into a job which “requires a creative mind but more importantly a firm grasp of Microsoft Excel”.


This is a job where we can come up with ideas all day and someone will pay us for it because they has enormous value – I know this comes up a lot but it’s worth reminding ourselves of that every day. It really is the dream.


So we owe it to ourselves to keep striving for that top agency and to do the very best work possible.


Of course no job comes without difficulties. But the difficulties we overcome will only allow us to do better work and do the decision we took to be creatives justice.

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