First day in SCA – By @bastien52530427

By Bastien Chazalette Zaco



First day in SCA


So I know it’s quite unoriginal to write my first official SCAB about the first day of term, but honestly I have a lot of things going through my mind right now besides the fact I can not think properly of anything else, it would be very helpful to have a reminder of this first day and also a report of the way I feel about all of it. It would be helpful to write them down to see a bit more clearly.


Let’s start at the beginning, I woke up this morning a little bit stressed out, that’s normal, but not as much as I expected a few days ago. So after a quick breakfast, I’m heading to Leyton Station for my very first journey of over one hour in London’s public transport. What a pleasure on a sunny morning! Nothing better than a mix of a hundred different smells to begin the day. Aside from the undeniable air quenching elephant in the room, this Human AirBag Londoners like to travel in. Indeed Londoners are very strict about security in transportation so, make sure to be crunched in between two tall and sweaty guys before the departure of the train. And if you are one of the guys, well just take off your god damn coat… In this new comfort zone I discover that you have a lot of time to think, with no way to read something or making any movements at all either. So I am starting to think about the day, and strangely I am starting to freak out way more than when I was half-conscious in the shower… I realize, on one hand, that I am back in class and on the other that I am not back in the same class. Not even in the same country, the reminder comes from the TFL rail employees shouting and singing into their microphones in English, who make sure that everyone gets on board on every station. So sure, I am feeling a little uncomfortable, this is my first time living out of France and my first day in school. 


Once out of the Victoria line I head to the Brixton church, not thinking about anything except the fact that this is one more time in which I am tight on timing. Sadly it made me smile, that’s the first thing I’m already used to, I’m starting to feel a bit more at home. I find the hidden side door, step up to the fourth floor and there it is, SCA’s studio! On the first day of term, it has to be seen, the music is pretty good and definitely loud, there are people everywhere, drinking, talking, you can feel the excitement mixed with the apprehension. Most of all it really isn’t what I expected it to be. In the first seconds, I enter the room, I know that this year isn’t going to be like any other year of very French education. This is confirmed when we sit on a couch to begin the school presentation with marc, and, his dog. Seriously in the first minutes of the presentation, Marc made you understand that you know nothing and what I thought to be my last school year started to sound like the first of my life. Imagine you were conscious during the first year of your life, it shouldn’t be reassuring, it should be exciting has hell. The same goes here.


I know right away that if I understand almost everything, listening all day in another language will give me headaches or a least exhaust me. That will also make my integration more difficult, indeed even in French I am not a big talker, so I probably won’t be in English. Hopefully, everyone here is open-minded and sociable, I know this sound’s normal but it is not so natural for French people, and it really makes me more comfortable. A simple example of this would be the « Au revoir » we got from some of the students at the end of the day, you guys are the best! So for sure, it will be hard but it will also be fun and more instructive than any advertising school in the world for sure.


Can’t wait to see another day and get one more headache, between two tall and sweaty guys on my way back home. 


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