Flavia’s First SCAB – By @FlaviaVentura2

Flavia Ventura

By Flavia Ventura


Graduation, quick goodbye to the US of A, plane back to the homeland (Italy) andabsolutely no time for mixed feelings or bittersweetness because: hell, I got into SCA. Applied with a bottomless list of backup plans (my plan B was more like a plan Z) and a whole lot of self-irony but hey, I made the cut.

In many recited to me the good old what is meant to be will be quote; bullshit if you ask merather another sad, pitiful expedient for the weak of heart to bear the insufferable weight of failures. Luck, a LOT of luck mixed with good work ethic and what some may call a twisted mind, but I prefer to refer to it as colorful.

So now instead of spending the summer reflecting on the worthlessmeaning of life-after-college (as my classmates like to call it), I find myself come up with some of the most useless, least urgent errands to run, goals to accomplish, and really just anything to postpone the inevitable moment I will actually have to put my hands on the Spectacular Failure brief. Considering I should have won a prize for well Millennializinglong time ago, not knowing what to expect from the school is driving me insane. As a matter of fact, terrifiedis the term that best describes my approach towards anything SCA-related at this point. I am picturing the rest of the Fall incoming students as aliens with creative brains so big that would make Brain of Pinky and the Brainjealous, now you see, how am I supposed to compete with that?

I will worry later though, now I better go buy a ribbon for my cat so that she can act up to the princess she is – very, VERY urgent.

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