Homo Creativus – by @NicholasKugge
By Nicholas Kugge
Homo Creativus
Our work is a reflection of our knowledge, interests and life experiences. As a creative you cannot limit yourself to one single passion. As your ideas will quickly become stale but worst you’ll feel drained by the lack of inspiration.
Having ideas is a bit like trade. You consume a piece of knowledge – stored in your memory – to create a new connection solving your problem. And unfortunately, you are very unlikely going to use this personal reference for some other work. So you need to develop as many interests as possible and constantly nourish them to generate fresh ideas.
Fortunately, London has so many free exhibitions, art galleries and museums that it’s hard to run out of inspiration. Time on the other hand is more of an issue. To the new intake, following is a short list of simple (and legal) actions which allows me to maintain a new perspective when overwhelmed by the daily routine.
- Every time you go shopping buy food you’ve never eaten before.
- When you’re taking the bus, sit at a different place as usual, upstairs, downstairs facing forward or backward (you might experience travel sickness with this last option).
- At a restaurant don’t ask what’s in the dish ( f–k allergies)
- Randomly pick music and books, and don’t read the back cover.
- Don’t always go to the same pubs (Market House)
- Finally, look around you. First, it’s a great source of inspiration, second it can be really entertaining. As I’m writing this post in a café I’m staring at an exhausted father holding his 0.001 year old son in his arms. While he is pretending to listen to the conversation between his wife and his mother-in-law, he’s rubbing the back of the infant as if the genie was about to spurt out of his son’s mouth coming at his rescue.