‘How to work under pressure’ by Fat Penguin

How to work under pressure

By Fat Penguin

We have a crazy busy week. This is how we’ve best overcome it:

Krista: Go out for a Pepperoni and call it “research”.

Tomo: Break it into chunks. But not so many chunks that you’ve made your to do list too long.

Jacob: Remember what you’re actually doing and how much worse it could be. x

Ash: Just think it’s probably less than 5 days until the weekend.

Mona: Partner x (work + laugh) = Less pressure.

Max: 1 thing at a time is the only way.

Chrissy: Eat as much as possible.

Malou: Try to have as much fun as possible. Go for sushi. Drink wine.

Flav: Think one brief at a time or you’ll end up dying.

Pjotr: Get a cat. Owning a cat helps to reduce stress and cuts stroke risk by third.

Sophie: Lists.

Augustine: Commit to breaks when you need them. Commit to work 100% the rest of the time.

Orla: Just work out your priorities and work on them.

Daze: Read lots. Escapism is the best.

Mary: Remember to take breaks – it’s easy to forget.

Beth: Get into the zone and power on. Headphones and fast paced music are a must.

Kyle: Remember where you want to end up and keep walking.

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