In with the Spiders – by @ClarissaDale94

Clarissa Dale

By Clarissa Dale


In with the Spiders


It’s half eight, I’m sitting on my own in a cafe in Warren street, and I’ve just booked tickets to an exhibition in London Zoo called ‘In with the spiders’. 


At SCA, half term doesn’t actually mean half term. It means set five times as much work as usual, go to as many exhibitions as you can, and learn/do things you wouldn’t usually.


Considering my intense fear for venomous arachnids I’d say this is pretty out of character.


This exhibition aims to gift visitors with a new found appreciation for spiders, and apparently a ‘talking tarantula’ will help to dispel the myths surrounding them, to reveal why they are in fact friend, not foe. I mean it’s going to take some serious convincing but I’m all ears. 


I’m reading the description now. I’m not too sure what ‘face-to-face’ or ‘up close and personal’ means, but I’m hoping it’s behind glass: I can’t imagine London Zoo keepers would be pleased if they found twenty of the rarest spiders mangled and pulverised due to self defence. 


Although I’m apprehensive, I’m also excited. If SCA has taught me anything it’s to do the things that scare you most. Ideally, I’ll last more than five minutes, but i’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. 

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