Is the key coming soon? By @AsforAlex

By Alexandra Sims


Is the key coming soon?

This morning I was smiling as I read comments about the stupid things people have done while their brains were on autopilot. This afternoon I locked myself and my partner out of the house we had gone to get more work done in.

Today is the first day of term three and a perfect time to reflect on what we’ve taken from the previous terms and the thoughts we’ve collected over Easter moving forward to the SCA finish. So, as I settle down at my new work bench (the bench in the front garden) and bask, luckily, in the after lunch sun, I stare first at my partners slippers and then into the warm glow. No longer on autopilot I am free to think with purpose.

When we started back in September we were told there would eventually be a time where everything clicks into place. This morning we were asked to prepare a Friday reflection slide for the moment this week that the penny drops for us. The day of realisation is upon us. Working on campaigns over the Easter break was much less painful than trying to do so over Christmas, our ideas are getting stronger and we’re not being as precious with our work because we know we can keep doing better.

I’m definitely a cat person. Having spent the week helping dog sit I realise I can’t schedule my life around three walks a day. Sure, structure is important but I want the freedom to go wherever might suddenly take my fancy, to be curious, and I think the same should be said about my approach to work. So I have to remember to be bolder and go further. As Marc keeps telling us we should go too far and be reigned back in.

We can all make ads. Hooray.

It means very little when we’re being judged on something else. Agencies don’t want us to do what they’re already doing. When a CD or senior team look at our books they want to see things that make them think they NEED that kind of thinking in their agency. I think it took me too long to realise that I shouldn’t have kept stressing about making something that has the same elements as the burning materials I see when I’m stuck underground. Like we were reminded in a crit today, we have to interrogate the product until it tells us something it hasn’t told anyone else.

There’s not long left so how many times over are we going to give 110% before we leave here with a book we wouldn’t have dreamed seven months ago belonged to us?

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