Lauren Peters

By Lauren Peters


I have no idea how he did it. But he did. To reiterate, JOEL GOLBY IS AN ABSOLUTE LEGEND.

From: Joel Golby

To: Lauren Peters

Re: Where does your lap go when you stand up?

Malou: I stalked a managing director to the Ladies’ room. Got her details and now we’re meeting for coffee 



Orla – I took Oli’s advice and contacted an artist whose work I like.  And Stu from creature about a crazy idea i had to do with his bees, I have a meeting with Stu in a few weeks, wish me luck.   


Kenny: Oli’s class was great. I can totally appreciate the idea of contacting people you want to meet, because it’s something I’ve done plenty of times in the past. One example of this was just after D&AD 2016 wherein I got in touch with a design hero of mine who will go unnamed. Needless to say, coffee was had and a job interview was secured. Did I get the job? Nah, but I’ll never regret making first contact. Just goes to show what happens when you reach out. 

oh man kenny smashed it. and

Mary: Oli’s talk was amazing! Thinking back on it, I’ve contacted complete strangers in the past as well — some of them weren’t work-related at all. Didn’t really ask to meet them, but I “contacted” my favourite musician and all-time guitar hero Mick Jones from The Clash a few years ago. I just tweeted him a line from a song I wrote (which was inspired by him and his music) and he liked it! I was simply starstruck.

I mean it’s a twitter like Mary, come on. I mean get over it. come on. fucking hell. come on. I mean well done. also come on. but and

Sophie: As a kid I couldn’t even prank call. That’s how much I dislike awkward cold convos. Oli made me try again.This time I did it for a purpose, guessing the emails for Tim and Sarah Mead (Yeo Valley Owners) to ask them some questions about their brand for a project we are working on. Sarah replied! Leading to us being able to have a phone call with the brand. All from a scary out of the blue email. Who’d have thought it?


 a lot of people have heroes in the yoghurt industry? and

Rollo: Not very successful at guessing Sergey Brin’s Google email. But, I emailed a journalist at The Huffington Post whose articles I follow. Next time he’s in London we’re going for a coffee. Chuffed, cheers Oli.

oh I see, a journalist from the Huffington Post can email back. all these people, emailing back. but

Lauren: I wrote to Joel Golby (writer/all-time legend) about a number of things, including: Eton schoolboys, Putin, the ‘Young Banker of the Year’ award, Ant and Dec, London rental opportunities and toilet paper. Alas, I am yet to receive a response. 

oh, looky here. Joel Golby cannot be bothered to email back. 

thank you for your message, I literally never tire of people saying they like my work. it’s always nice to hear. I wanted to do copywriting myself when I first moved to London, but it never really worked out – I didn’t know how to get a job doing it, to be honest, beyond typing ‘COPYWRITER’ into the job centre website, which weirdly never worked out? weirdly??? – so it sounds like you are on the right path. what was the piece? I’d love to read it

I am quite busy at the moment, truth be told: I don’t have a lot of time to myself so I’m reluctant to promise to meet new people on the scant evenings I currently have free. maybe try me again in the new year, if you still want, and I’ll see what my schedule looks like then? I know that’s a fob off – I mean, I am hardly Tim Mead of Yeo Valley, am I! who on earth do I think I am! – but that’s the way I have to play things at the moment. apols

thanks again


ps. bet you expected way more jokes, didn’t you? way more laughs. everyone does. ‘that email was so disappointing, joel,’ they say, and I know. I know

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