Mistakes Aren’t Failures If You Learn From Them by @MarcellaTarable
By Marcella Tarable
Thursday was interview day.
Next year potential students came in the school and had the opportunity to show their creativity in front of us and mentors in order to get a place for September.
After their performance and few other activities I found myself speaking to two of them in particular.
It was so weird to be on the other side, trying to explain what exactly the school is and brings to each one of us.
“What’s it like?” “How’s Marc?” “ Do you have any advice to give us?”
“What do they want to hear?” I thought. I browsed through my mind, trying to find the best pieces of advice and wisdom.
But the only things that came to my mind were all the mistakes I made. I decided to share them.
God, I made so many of them and it’s only 4 months in.
I said how scatty I am, very disorganised in work, social life and generally in life. Which isn’t a bad thing after all. But when you decide to take a challenge like Sca, you need to be prepared to embrace change and start to learn how to work better. How to live your life better in order to have great achievements.
This I thought would be the best advice I could give to somebody embarking on an adventure like Sca.
When I came back in January I got a big push from Marc and understood I needed to embrace fully the challenge that has been given to me.
Once Marc told me “Mistakes aren’t failures if you learn from them”. Sca is the place where you inevitably make lots and lots of them. After we must reflect and change our behaviour and attitude towards our partner and ourself. Only then, we are growing. Professionally and in life.
I just want to share how grateful I am to be able to make mistakes here. I am looking forward to make more!