Our Term in Haikus – By @anamal91

Anam Kibria

By Anam Kibria


Our Term in Haikus


Our first term is coming to an end and we have had so much to learn and absorb. We have had the most inspiring mentors guiding us and some of the most phenomenal speakers come in to share their knowledge and experience. I have written pages and pages of notes from their talks, and while I was writing them up in my notes of the year, I realised that all of them could be summed up into one (sometimes two) simple messages. But why stop at simply summarizing them?

I am going to attempt to curate them into haikus.

Here goes:

Marc Lewis

Fight through all the pain.

Push past your first idea.

Go from good to great.

Pete Cain

But what does it mean?

The single best thing to say

Is proposition.

Ian Hands

Please stick to the grid.

Watch the spacing in your text:

Kerning and leading.

Vikki Ross

If you can have a

Conversation, you can be

A copywriter.

Caroline Hampstead

Say it straight, then great.

These are some words that sell well:


Alex Taylor

Who is Helmut Krone?

You should know where you come from.

Always draw keylines.

Laura Jordan Bambach

Maker not doer,

Feed your creativity

Outside of Ad-land.

Peter Souter

Great ads empty shelves,

Make people laugh, cry or think.

We are all oysters.

Steve Harrison

Know your customer,

Echo the reader’s beliefs,

Keys to a great brief.

David Buonaguidi

Be Missionary,

Creativity is the cure.

Screw all the awards.

Stu Outhwaite

Strategy is key.

Interrogate the product

Till it is revealed.

Oli Barrett

King of networking.

Don’t be scared, what could go wrong?

Just write that email.

Mark Palmer


Comes from the stupid and weird.

Interrupt the brain.

Richard Jacobs

The un-workables,

Illegals and Immorals.

Always look for them.

Seb Howling

Take your ideas.

First, are they incredible?

Are they credible?

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