PARTNERS – By @aleks_atn
By Aleksandra Atanasovski
This word stresses us out, this word scares us all, but I’m going to use it today in a positive way, to talk about all the people who I’ve worked with during term 1 and term 2.
JACOB: Let’s start with the first one, Jacob. PB1. My first pb ever, I was so stressed about making a case study video, but thanks to your crazy imagination we made a work that is still in our portfolio now. I think it’s your talent of being an ex copywriter that charmed me. Everything was beautifully written. This pb was the start of something great…lol.
DEAN: God damn. Dean. I think that I’ll never forget our Pb. « Swisslife, choose your family » it was really intense. The video was finished one minute before the deadline. The most stressful Friday of my life. But well done I really liked the way you think. You are memorable. Don’t change.
PAXTI: François! We worked together on a little video, the « CHANEL » one. On keynote. We were so proud of ourself because we didn’t know how to use after effects and all that animation stuff. I really enjoyed it!
RUBY: I could write a lot of things in this scab about the day that we’ve spent trying to find Roko. Roko The dog! It’s a project that I will never forget because the experience of going to this city and trying to find a particular dog was great. The only thing that I have to say it’s that you drive… really fast lol!
KAROLINA: Two eastern European girls together, one Serbian and one Hungarian . It was loud, we were screaming at each other! Because it’s the way we talk in our country I guess! The work was short but we came up with great scamps at the end for Farewill.
VICTORIA: We only worked on the name your agency brief but I remember that I spent all the time on this project with you. It was nice to eat and drink tea in your flat, on the floor. I can remember the taste of the biscuit that we ate, dry but tasty.
JOE R: Only for a live brief, the Evian one. To be fair it was short but I can remember that we used a small ball that we had throw at each other every time we had an idea. The height of playful child mode that I need now more than ever.
PHIL: What is for sure is that you can find 5 ideas so quickly. Really quickly. You are a smart guy but keeping you next to me was difficult because you had to walk around the studio all the time. Literally I was acting as a mum who forces her child to stay on the chair when he doesn’t want to eat his broccoli. But well done for our « Feeling pink » campaign.
FORREST: Arjo Wiggins. To be honest I really liked our idea. You have an eye as a film producer. You know exactly how to put emotion in your script and to be striking. You found the perfect music to emphasise the emotion. Remember the way we were bouncing ideas, it was crazy!
JOSIE: No robot voice effect anymore! A huge lesson for both of us. Working with you was really nice. You are the kind of girl that I can message at 8 o clock’ on Messenger and will instantly reply.
ALEX T: My Cannes and D&AD partner. Microsoft and Sony Bravia! Well, I think you are the only one that I constantly change my proposition with and change the idea to make it better. You are a specialist on After Effects, seriously! I will remember forever the night before the deadline when you made four animations in few minutes, the kind of thing that takes me days to do!
HOLLY: God love gays, Holly! Doesn’t he? Again, two art directors together. Great job on our script even if you thought that you would never be able to write it! It was really fun to work with you and you found really interesting insights about Malta. You were so motivated that you even bought some travel guides for the brief.
RACHEL: We’ve just worked together for the Christmas invitation, but what is sure is that I was impressed by your illustrations. In a very short time you drew maybe 30 characters, so awesome!
GEMINA- Two French art directors together. I’m still super proud of our campaign. You motivated me to go to Croydon IKEA twice in one week (which is stupidly far from my flat) just to see again and again how the store was. You are one of the most inspiring girls for me this year, you were so motivated to go and push the idea. Great job on your lines, you were the copywriter of the team and honestly I really enjoyed working with you.
ANDY- POCCOCHINO! I really liked the script that you wrote for the presentation, everything was so true and striking. You are a great storyteller and a very motivated person. Asking people at Starbucks and Costa if they order a babychino for their child encouraged me to go to Tesco and test the product after the presentation. Love it.
MARY – We finally worked together after telling to each other that we gonna do it during term 1! It was for a short brief but I really enjoyed it. We bounced a lot of ideas off each other for the Greek play. You have a massive imagination.
SAPHIRE: Deux blondes. Our table was covered in scamps. Two art directors, really stressed but ready to smash the Ginerosity brief. Can’t believe that we were so motivated for this live brief that we even photographed our poster, bought glasses and some grapefruit, ice and cucumber because we know exactly what kind of pictures we wanted. J’ai adoré!
LUCY : I could write three paragraphs about our work. So memorable. Every project that I did with you was enjoyable. And you were always the one making it more crazy, more unexpected. I think I’ll remember the FT campaign for a long time. Not for the result but the process, how we were so crazy about it. The way we were grabbing Mike’s hand because we wanted to ask him 718828191 questions. I just loved it.
JOE F: And finally you, my partner! Well I think what I love the most is that I’m not afraid to say what I think to you, and same for you. We know what we want and we are going to work hard for it. When one feels a little bit down, the other one pushes them. You are able to make me laugh maybe 60 times in one day even if we are stressed. I hope we gonna have a placement in the agency that we dream of. I can trust your copy 100% and you can trust me on my art direction… I hope.