Putting in the Extra Mile – By @BeaaaBergman

Bea Bergman

By Bea Bergman


Putting in the Extra Mile


In advertising like in every aspect of life, putting in that extra mile is what makes a difference.
If you don’t, then don’t expect fireworks.
It’s really very true, it’s something we’ve all been taught as children as well as we are being taught it daily at SCA.
Marc has been telling us all from day one, that this course will be what we make it. They can only provide us with the tools, we’re left to create the work. Worth mentioning is that these tools we’re given, are the best ones in the world, but it’s still all up to us.
Marc and our mentors can’t force us to make the most out of this course, but we can.
Each and everyone of us has to find a way to make sure that we are going to walk out of this course without regrets.
Some people will fill Marc’s inbox with topical ads, hundreds of SMPs and requests for extra briefs. Some people will have millions of passion projects going.
No matter what we do, in the end of the day if we don’t go that extra mile to get inspired and learn, we won’t create fire works.
I’m part of the second category, and I’ve always felt that I’m walking that extra mile even though it might not be in someone’s inbox.
However, what I’ve come to realise in the last phase of the first portfolio brief is; if your not in someone’s inbox, you’ll never receive a reply of feedback.
That’s something I’ve really had to think of long and hard this weekend. Even though I thought I had it figured out, even though I thought I was walking that extra mile, am I walking in the wrong direction?
Because when your in the last hours of a brief and start questioning your inputs, then some feedback would definitely come in handy.
So what I’ve really learnt this week is, walk the extra mile, but don’t forget to question and get some feedback on it.
If you don’t, you might be walking in the wrong direction.
But then again, it might inspire you to turn around do better work.

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