Regaining Mojo – By @Laura_Amelia_
By Laura Magee
Regaining Mojo
As I write this SCAB, I’m sat in my local pub back in Salford.
When I found out we would have Thursday and Friday off this week it was not only like heaven but also lovely to get the chance to come home as I thought this would be my last opportunity to do so before Christmas.
I spent last night dancing to some of Manchester’s finest music and this morning taking my dog for a long blissful walk. It’s been really lovely and re-energising being back. It was much needed. Back with my family and back in the place my SCA journey started. It’s true what they say – there’s no place like home!
Recently, as I’ve been settling into Brixton life (which I must add, I’m loving) I’ve been thinking a lot.
I’ve felt a bit mentally blinded. It’s like when you’re hiking and carving a new path directed by bearings. However, I feel as if my compass has broken; I don’t really know where I’m going but I’m still walking. It’s mainly because we’ve had so much incredible information fed to us, lots of projects on and advice from so many different people from so many areas of work. My thoughts have got a bit jumbled and it’s made me rethink a lot of things. I came to this process with an open mind to try a bit of everything and see what stuck for me. I know it’s really important to have a goal and I do have one, but I think I’ll the know the real destination when I get there. In the mean time, I know I’m heading in the right direction so I’m just going to enjoy the scenery. Go with the flow.
Looking back on this week…
It has probably been my favourite week yet!
Monday was day 1 of the big Coup makeover. The tunes were on and everyone teamed together to transform the studio. We began the day looking clean and fresh whilst ending it looking like chimney sweeps.
I think it’s fair to say, there may be trouble if future intakes have plans on painting the railings black or if you’re Larry who humorously pondered this idea after everyone had chipped the old paint off! The SCA library sort out provided a cracking opportunity to see what great reads are on offer, from magazines that came out before I was born to a garlic recipe book, there is definitely something for everyone. But seriously, it’s now looking great with all the books neatly organised in our new living room area so they’ll be really simple to access if we’re after a particular one. Staying late was so worth it.
Big shout out to my hallway team! Dennis, our in house director of wallpaper led the way with his excellent hanging skills as Katy, Matt and myself followed, sparking a new TV show idea – DIY dating. Thoughts guys?
Bea and I got to know each other more which was lovely as we gave the tomb stone a new lease of life.
Amongst the joy and dancing..
We said farewell to the lego flooring in the kitchen but a happy hello to a new black and white checkered one. We also (literally this time) said goodbye to the big table, welcoming our very own hand made ping pong area.
The van and settee scenario was hilarious. Not only did we have one sofa appear from the boot but three.. and an armchair. Great work by Seb, Larry and Owen!
It was such a nice feeling finishing on Wednesday and celebrating with everyone. This week has given us time to do a few extra bits and bobs, and for me.. regain my mojo.