‘Sorry I can’t go to pub, I’m in a relationship with my Arduino’

Nina Beyers






By @1curiousgiraffe


When the Arduino dropped through the letterbox and we were asked to use our ‘imagination’, I had no idea I was about to embark into a long term clingy relationship.



We started off with shy small talk, ‘What are you?’, ‘Have you experimented with hardware before?’, ‘How long have you been hanging out online?’.



Things moved quickly into exciting territory, ‘Wow you’re capable of doing THAT?’, ‘Oh stop flirting with your lights’. 


I soon began to ditch friends to spend time with the Arduino. Friends would ask on a Friday ‘let’s go to pub’ and I’d decline, ’Sorry i’m spending the night with Ardi’. 



We had intense arguments, ‘WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?’, ‘WHY AREN’T YOU BEHAVING HOW YOU SHOULD?’ Tears were shed and lights were blinking- they were electronic tears I know it. 


Jealousy became an issue, ‘Why will you do that for her and not me?’, ‘You act differently for him’. 

We became very, very clingy. I carried him around with me everywhere, always in my eye sight and I snapped at people who touched his box or god forbid, tampered with his wires.



We often didn’t understand each other. We went long spells without communicating. We stared at each other blankly wishing for the other to share their thoughts. 



Doubt and rejection ensued, ‘Why are you ignoring me?’, ‘We don’t seem compatible’,  ‘Are we right for each other?’



And finally after this turbulent roller coaster and with the help of Kleenex and Michael Jackson we came to understand our differences and are currently in a happy relationship.

I’m excited to show what we’ve produced and hopefully it will be an amicable break up.

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