Squeaky post D&AD brain fart – By @DrewDavies94

Drew Davies

By Drew Davies


Squeaky post D&AD brain fart


There’s always stuff to crack on with at SCA but this weekend I’ve given myself a rest.

I’ve been a normal person again. I woke up late. I watched football. I sank pints. I won the champions league in Pro Evolution Soccer and added Neymar to my roster. I bullshitted with old friends. I went to gallery – though to be fair most people don’t do that.

It’s been fucking brilliant.

Switching off is important but hunger for success can make me forget to do it.

If there’s one thing I’ve learnt during SCA it’s that smart work beats hard work.

On D&AD I was working hard not smart.

I tried to tackle too many briefs at the same time. I would flick between them, normally moving to another when things weren’t going as smoothly as I would have hoped. Doing this meant I never really pushed through them barriers to get to the really good ideas, or at least when I did it was too late.

Time management was another issue – again. Overestimating time needed on briefs. Underestimating time needed on briefs. Not sticking to self imposed deadlines. Getting frustrated at the fact I would never keep to weekly plans.

On the topic of time where did 22 years go?

It was birthday on Thursday and for the first time I thought ‘fuck, I’m starting to get old.’

Up until 21 every birthday is just making things you’re already doing legal – shagging, drinking, smoking and driving.

Now every birthday is another reminder that my time left on earth is numbered.

Now you may be thinking these last few weeks have turned me into an emo and you may well be right, but this is actually a healthy mentality.

Steve Jobs says that death is the most powerful motivator.

This video is a stunning visualization of our time on the earth, using 28,835 jelly beans to represent each day of our lives.


I’ve used 8033 of my beans so far far. I’ve got roughly 22,802 left.

3,400 will be spent working.

Wait we’re in advertising it’s probably closer to 7,000, but hopefully this won’t feel like work.

My next milestone is 30 years olds.

Here’s what I want to achieve in the next 2920 days:

  • Become a senior creative
  • Start my own business
  • Write a screenplay
  • Travel to America, South America and Japan
  • Work in New York, Amsterdam and/or Austrailia
  • Make a campaign that changes the world

There’s more, but that’s all I’m willing to share and probably all you’re willing to read, if you’ve even made it this far.

If you are still here thank you for reading the random ramblings of a reflecting writer.

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