Strategy. It’s serious. By @gnomeegnome

Naomi Taylor

By Naomi Taylor


Strategy. It’s serious.

Ahh the word that we have probably heard more than any other over the past week. Strategy. It’s not a word that instantly gets me excited but once you get past it’s hard shell it’s quite lovable. Now I am a white hat through and through – I love facts, information and spreadsheets of data. It makes me tingly and excited (in my head). In line with the loveable Dave Buonaguidi I believe creativity is a cure but for me knowledge is too. Combing the two creates a point and when they are both done great, it’s powerful. An explosion. A Big Bang.

Advertising is about creating an original and amazing idea that communicates to a specified audience. However that idea doesn’t come out of thin air, it comes from the strategy, the insights, the beautiful facts and the proposition. Without a sound strategy there is no point in your completed idea, what’s the point, why would your audience be interested?

By the way, I recommend listening to the Odditorium podcast, its full of facts that could fuel a great campaign. Odd is great.

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