The Details Maketh The Sale

We all know a story comes with a beginning, a middle and an end;

There are a couple or characters, that we follow round twists and turns and bends;

But this isn’t what makes a story believable, this doesn’t make a story fun;

We need details, details, details to paint the world that we’re creating;

She didn’t just get a car—she bought a 1961 Jag E-Type;

It was dark metallic green that was finished with sparkling chrome bumpers;

And he didn’t buy his wife flowers to get out of the dog house;

He bought her a red and yellow tulip bouquet that was wrapped in brown parchment;

See? These little flutters of detail make the sentences more concrete;

They paint a picture in your mind that keeps your eyes reading on;

This is the kind of detail that makes your writing come alive;

This is the kind of writing that helps your ads sell, sell, sell every time;

Since Caroline’s in-depth Masterclass on the use of detail in writing;

I’ve been making sure my copy uses it to make it engaging and exciting;

So re-ignited with my purpose to bring back beautifully crafted copy;

Watch out world, you’ll be entertained by the details of the products I’m going to sell you.


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