The man with 100 faces, By @NicholasKugge
By Nick Kugge
The man with 100 faces
We all have a dozens of masks, each of them is a different version of us.
Masks are a state of mind, the illustration of our different personalities they are not a façade to hide
behind. We all wear them in different occasions, seamlessly switching from one to the other. Some of
them feel more natural to live with and while others feel more uncomfortable they are still part of
ourselves. And with time and practice we can learn how to handle these uneasiness.
At first it was a bit weird to accept that there could be so many different Nicks, I wrongly thought it was
like embracing schizophrenia! After reflecting on it, analysing my behaviours from the past years it
indeed made sense, they are multiple Nicks. Being aware of it feels like having superpowers. For each
situations you’ll be able to adequately adapt yourself or at least try and improve this mask.
As creatives our mood will often impact the quality of our work. And as half of a team you have the
responsibility to deliver. The easier it is for us to switch from one state of mind to the other the greater
the results. As Ann Wixley (Creative Director at OMD) said, “you’re paid the same on the good and the
bad days.”