The Money Tree and The Hummus Tap
In a recent ‘Mess Finding/Problem Defining’ masterclass, we were taught that “a mess is the start of a problem” and that a “well defined problem is a problem half solved.” This notion has appeared in my life about 12 years too late. It would’ve been an effective response to being hounded by my mum to tidy my room.
Anyway, enough about teenage boy bedrooms, they’re strange places. A few weeks back (21 days ago to be precise), we were tasked with keeping a ‘21 Day Mess’ journal. This involved noting an answer down daily to the following question: “wouldn’t it be great if?.” Next, we had to pick 2 journal entries and scrutinise them using the brilliant ‘6 Hat Thinking’ Tool created by Edward De Bono. My Messes are below.
The Money Tree
Firstly, how have scientists created Dolly the sheep (RIP may I add) but not genetically modified a tree to create money? I mean, come on! Nevertheless, I was thinking that if every family living in poverty was given a money tree, then perhaps this could help eradicate poverty and resolve socioeconomic inequality.
- BLUE HAT – what do we need to do to bring things to life
Top of the to-do list would be to enlist the help of an angel investor, a bunch of brainy scientists (the nerdier the better) and a sound strategist.
- WHITE HAT – facts, figures, data
Devastatingly, around 9.2% of the world (689 million people) live in extreme poverty on less than $1.90 a day, according to the World Bank. That’s a lot of money trees to create…
- YELLOW HAT – finding and exploring opportunities
Perhaps the tree could be created in partnership with homeless and poverty charities.
- GREEN HAT – what else can we do?
Maybe the tree could also grow staple foods such as rice, wheat and maize as well as providing water. Am I overcomplicating things? Guilty.
- RED HAT – what’s your gut telling you?
As life changing as this could be, my instinct tells me that sadly, this idea is a bit too starry-eyed.
- BLACK HAT- what can go wrong?
“Nice boy but away with the fairies” was how my year 10 History teacher described me at parents’ evening. So, if I owned such a tree, I’d probably accidentally kill it by forgetting to feed or water it. Therefore, how the tree is fed and nurtured could be problematic.
Also, how the money is extracted or picked from the tree may also lead to problems. Would this cause an increase in theft? Perhaps.
The Hummus Tap
You can tell a lot about someone by the brand of Hummus they buy. Yes, I’m judging you. If you don’t agree that Hummus is one of mankind’s best creations then you might not want to read on. God bless chickpeas.
- BLUE HAT – what do we need to do to bring things to life
A shit ton of hummus, a trip to Homebase to buy a tap and a good Youtube DIY video. Simple…
- WHITE HAT – facts, figures, data
Research shows that the 2020 global hummus market was valued at $812 million and is expected to reach $1.023 billion by the end of 2026 according to Market Watch. Viva La Hummus revolution!
- YELLOW HAT – finding and exploring opportunities
If this idea is as successful as I’m sure it will be, then I’m visualising a Hummus truck doing the rounds of the festival circuit serving Hummus on tap and infused cocktails. Saying that, the latter is probably already a thing in wanky east London bars.
- GREEN HAT – what else can we do?
Just like a hot and cold tap, perhaps I could have Hummus coming out of one tap and Guac coming out of the other?
- RED HAT – what’s your gut telling you?
My instinct tells me that this might be where I make my millions.
- BLACK HAT- what can go wrong?
Where in the kitchen would I keep this contraption? Should it be labelled
so guests don’t confuse it with actual taps? Imagine a guest thinking it’s a water tap and filling a kettle with Hummus – Hummus in tea is a sickening thought! Although it would be one hell of a prank…