What’s the best photo you’ve taken during lockdown? – By KRAK intake

What’s the best photo you’ve taken during lockdown?

What’s the best photo you’ve taken during lockdown? Post it here and say why you like it so much. Street photography, nature shots, selfies, nudes – all equally welcome.

Gigi: This is my cat Frankie yawning and it looks like she’s screaming which I love cause she legit has nothing to complain about in life but still runs away from me. For even better pictures please follow her on instagram at @PersianFrankieSqueaks

This is a close second of her role playing The Virgin Mary:

Alfie: Like this photo because that bird always chills there in the evening and he didn’t fly off this time when I got close. Also, the sun was setting so obvious bonus with the lighting and contrast. 

Rolly: Stumbled across this in Cotswolds. Felt like the kids/adults who made this had a lot of fun.

Holly: Mothers day marked the beginning of lockdown, gone were the plans of restaurants, day trips and surprise visitors. What came instead was a new challenge of making the best of what you’ve got and what you can get your hands on. But it is the events like these, the celebrations, the birthdays the anniversaries which although may not have turned out exactly how we planned, have been more special, loving and memorable than ever before.

Tommy: It is hard to accurately capture the raw emotional experience of the SCA during lockdown, and the concurrent fatigue. This photo comes close.

Elisa: When I arrived in Austria I had to wait for my COVID test results before I could get too close to anyone. That was particularly hard for me because I hadn’t seen my boyfriend in three months. So we met in my garden and just chatted every night. Yet that was one of my favourite parts of lockdown. 

Ellie: What you looking at?

Katie: Let’s face it, it was always going to be a photo of my dog. This one is of her showing how much she loves Andy as she spends a good 5 minutes licking the sweat off his body after a

cycle ride.

Aaron: Do I need to describe why this was chosen.

Alex: Straight outta Kent, this is some graffiti in support of our esteemed Eton Mess of a Prime Minister. What else would it be, get your mind out the gutter…

Dean: Me and a picture of Emma Smith. She forgot to leave her number so I left mine 

@G_Medford: This has literally been my view since lockdown has started, the only time I’ve left my dining table is to get coffee, go to the toilet and to sleep.

Elle:  On the brink before a hand in on Friday. Also found out my new PLT delivery was going to my old university address over 100 miles away and I am pretty sure I’ve gained 2 stone.

Munraj: Saw my girlfriend after 9 weeks apart in lockdown. Got an ice-cream. It was great. 


My mum was taking very cute photos of me and halfway through I got hair in my face. Which means I made the face I always make when I get hair in my face. And fortunately for the world, that face was captured on camera. Tres meme-able and quite frankly my mood half the time we’ve been in lockdown.


Spotting things that exist outside my computer and phone screen on my run in the mornings.

Rachael: I made a photography series called ‘fuck it, trolley photography’ recently

Lawrence:  In the garden with my lock down gals

Eva: Having a weekend with my cousins, after not seeing them for 8 months.

Alice: The first time I went outside that wasn’t for exercise or to go to the shop in 10 weeks. 

Phillip Laskaris: A seafood buffet had us reeling all night. 

Carly: The very first place I went when our lockdown eased up in Bermuda was my favourite beach, Warwick Long Bay.

Charlie: A reminder there’s always light to be found in the darkness

Scarlet: A photo I took of my grandma in the greenhouse. At the beginning of lockdown this greenhouse was in a state – loads of the glass was broken and it hadn’t been touched in at least 10 years. So to spend some quality time with my grandma I said I’d fix it up so we could start planting some fruit and veg in there. This photo is so special to me now.

Chloë: Nothing comforts me like watching birds fly over my garden. They have no idea about the mayhem happening on the ground.

Sam: I mean, just look at them. 

Ivan: The first time I’ve ever had my drawing on a fridge! All it took was a lockdown. It was Chloe, Dade’s and my creative spirit drawings.


My mum has been cooking on overdrive. I’m not complaining.

Dj: Don’t have any good quarantine shots but here’s a precovid one. There’s got to be a caption or two about workload in this. Krak memes, get on it.

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