Who Will Save Us Now – By @martamorientes
By Marta Martin Morientes
Who Will Save Us Now
As you may know, dear reader, portfolio day is soon. You probably know what it is or may have even experienced by yourself in previous years; in any case, you must know that for us is everything we live for, it’s more important than the day we were born. Our whole life, soul, mind but mostly self-esteem depends on that day, that’s why every hour now is as mental, emotional, tough and irrational as you may imagine. Each one of us tries not to lose their minds. We are trying, I promise. Unfortunately, at the moment you are reading this it may be too late. We may have lost some of our comrades. Or we may have lost them all. As far as my observation reaches, some of them are already on the edge of health and madness. These are just some examples: some people only talk to dogs, others solve the slow pain by eating many sweets, some of them have got used to the darkness of the studio and now they can’t stand the light of the streets, meanwhile others are becoming increasingly aggressive, and there are some… some they don’t allow me to talk about it. Regarding myself, I am on the edge as well but if there’s something that keeps me more or less mentally healthy and helps me to get my groove on it’s the music I listen every day before arriving at the school. I’ve made a list with some of the songs. All of them don’t belong to a particular style of music, there’s a mix and each one of them is awesome. Enjoy. They may help you as well.
Cariñito (The Roots of Chicha) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op0dN_U4L5s&list=RDOp0dN_U4L5s&start_radio=1
Disorder (Joy Division) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhCLalLXHP4
Malamente (Rosalía) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rht7rBHuXW8
Only you (Steve Monite) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-2CyO8pc0E
Candela (Buena Vista Social Club) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raRqgKqIM3M
No me gustas, te quiero (The Parrots) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Bzk_ul8p1I
Papa was a Rolling Stone (The Temptations) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXiQtD5gcHU
Just a friend (Biz Markie) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aofoBrFNdg
Gloria (Patti Smith) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPO0bTaWcFQ&list=RDbPO0bTaWcFQ&start_radio=1
In the end music will save us all.